Development of Opposition to Jesus
22. Culmination of Criticism of Jesus
23. Attitude of Jesus Toward Criticism
One gets the sense that the Pharisees were survivors – they were pretty quick to sniff out and deal with threats to their authority. It is still early on in Jesus’ ministry and they have already decided that this guy has got to go.
Jesus is obviously aware of his impact on the status quo. He knows he is a threat, he understands why, and, importantly, he has compassion for those who fear him. He knows that change is hard for people, particularly when the old ways seem to be working so well, as in a sense they certainly were for those in charge.
All of us know this. Change comes slowly if at all. Often times we only change when we hit rock bottom and see no other way out. Even then it is more a surrender than a real decision to change. Out of surrendering comes acceptance and perhaps the vision of a new possibility, if there is one. But the vision can not be seen until the act of surrendering is complete.
Totally surrendering what does not work can give us the opportunity to gain a new “wineskin.” But a new wineskin is not the new wine – or the new teaching, or the new way of seeing -- itself. What is the new teaching? Jesus gives his fullest description in the next section: Definition of Standards of Righteousness.