Jesus Forecasts Events at Jerusalem
48. Jesus Forecasts Events at Jerusalem
This is an interesting passage. First of all, Jesus seems pretty clear on the fate that awaits him, and he is accepting of it. Clearly he believes it is God’s will. Otherwise, he’d be steering clear of Jerusalem.
And then there is Peter’s reaction – something any nice person would tend to say, right? “C’mon Jesus, why all doom and gloom? Cheer up, that’s not going to happen to you!”
But Jesus delivers what appears on the surface to be a pretty uncharitable response – he turns around and calls Peter Satan! What is that about? Well, one explanation is that Peter still thinks Jesus is the apocalyptic messiah, and Jesus getting strung up by the authorities is NOT the way the story is supposed to end. Jesus calls him on that and rebukes him for buying into the apocalyptic fantasy and not being grounded in reality, which is what a relationship with God is all about.