Table of Contents
Here you’ll find an overview of the book Jesus as Teacher, as written by Sharman. It follows, as can be best determined, the chronology of the life of Jesus. We recommend forming a study group and reading aloud one section at a time, and discussing its meaning, again keeping in mind what you know of Jesus’ context.
*Go to The Teachings to view the book in its entirety.
In this Chapter:
8. Statement of the Work of John
- John Interpreted as Prophet
- John and the Multitudes
- John and the Religious Authorities
- Attitudes and Responses to John
- Ethical Norms of John
- Apocalyptic Messianism of John
- John and the Civil Authorities
9. Baptism of Jesus by John
10. Withdrawal of Jesus to the Wilderness
- Rejection of Political Messianism
- Rejection of Apocalyptic Messianism
- Rejection of Economic Messianism
In this Chapter:
11. General Statement of the Work of Jesus
12. Jesus Teaches at Nazareth
13. Jesus Teaches at Capernaum
14. Jesus and Mental Cases
15. Jesus Teaches by the Lake
16. Jesus Wins Fisherman Followers
17. Jesus Teaches Throughout Galilee
In this Chapter:
18. Criticism of Free Forgiveness for Sin
19. Criticism for Association with Sinners
20. Criticism of Attitude Toward Fasting
21. Criticism for Working on the Sabbath
22. Culmination of Criticism of Jesus
23. Attitude of Jesus Toward Criticism
In this Chapter:
24. Widespread Fame of Jesus
25. Appointment of Twelve Associates
26. Discourse on Standards of Righteousness
- Occasion of the Discourse
- Salutatory to the Disciples
- The Theme of the Discourse
- Ethics of the Scribes vs Ethics of Jesus
— Murder vs Anger
— Adultery vs Lust
— Oaths vs Affirmations
— Retaliation vs Forbearance
— Hatred vs Love
- Practices of Pharisees vs Practices of Jesus
— General Ostentation in Religion
— Ostentation in Almsgiving
— Ostentation in Prayer
— Ostentation in Fasting
- Critics and Criticism
- General Law of Morality
- General Law of Religion
- Relation of Morality to Religion
- Two Ways and Two Outcomes
- Contemporary Estimate of the Discourse
In this Chapter:
27. Opinion of a Roman Centurion
28. Opinion of John the Baptist
29. Opinion of a Sinner vs Opinion of a Pharisee
30. On a Tour in Galilee
31. Opinion of the Friends of Jesus
32. Opinion of the Religious Leaders
In this Chapter
33. Basis of Real Relationship to Jesus
34. Discourse on the Kingdom of God
- Occasion of the Discourse
- Parables on Modest Origin
- Parable on Apocalyptic Origin
- Parable on Developmental Origin
- Parables on Condition for Genesis
- Method of the Discourse
- Reason for Method Used
- Limitations of the Method
- Limitations of Hearers
- Purposed Obscurity as Temporary Expedient
- Things New and Old vs Things Old Only
- Temporary Expediency vs Ultimate Attitude
In this Chapter:
35. Fear vs Faith
36. Jesus Teaches at Nazareth
37. Jesus Teaches throughout Galilee
38. Disciples Tour in Galilee
39. Fate of John the Baptist
40. Report of Associates on their Tour
41. Jesus Teaching in the Desert
In this Chapter:
42. Concerning Traditions About Defilement
- To the Pharisees
- To the Multitude
- To the Disciples
- About the Pharisees
43. Withdrawal Toward Tyre and Sidon
44. Return Journey Through Decapolis
45. Pharisees Demand Signs from Jesus
46. The Leaven of the Pharisees
In this Chapter:
47. Opinion of Disciples about Jesus
48. Jesus Forecasts Events at Jerusalem
49. Some Costs of Discipleship
50. The Problem of Tribute Payment
51. Teaching on Greatness
52. Teaching on Tolerance
53. Teaching on Forgiveness
54. Parable on Forgiveness
In this Chapter:
55. General Statement of Journey
56. Teaching on Tolerance
57. Some Tests of Discipleship
58. The Way of Eternal Life
59. The Definition of Neighbor
60. Many Things vs One Thing
61. Elements of Prevailing Prayer
62. Limitations of Exorcism
63. Basis of Real Relationship to Jesus
In this Chapter:
64. Effects of the Mission of Jesus
65. The Signs of the Times
66. Warnings of National Disaster
67. Teaching about Reliance on Wealth
68. Saying on Light and Darkness
69. Limits of the Kingdom of God
70. Forecast of his Death by Jesus
71. Teaching in Criticism of Anxiety
72. Teachings at the Table of a Pharisee
73. The Costs of Discipleship
In this Chapter:
74. Parables on the Worth of Sinners
- The Lost Sheep
- The Lost Coin
- The Lost Son
75. God vs Mammon
76. Parable on the Futility of Duty
77. Several Sayings of Jesus
78. Parable on Deferred Judgement
79. Time of the Kingdom of God
80. Parables on Importunity in Prayer
81. Several Sayings of Jesus
82. Parable on the Basis of Justification
In this Chapter:
83. Teachings About Divorce
- To the Pharisees
- To the Disciples
84. Essential for Entrance into Kingdom
85. Relations of Possessions to Eternal Life
- To the Rich Man
- To the Disciples
- To Simon Peter
86. Parable on the Basis of Reward
87. Teaching on Standards of Greatness
- To James and John
- To the Group
88. The Rich Publican of Jericho
89. Time of the Kingdom of God
In this Chapter:
90. Jesus enters Jerusalem as Popular Leader
91. Jesus Casts Commerce from the Temple
92. Jesus Teaches in the Temple
93. Jewish Rulers Challenge Authority of Jesus
94. Parables in Condemnation of Jewish Leaders
- Parable of the Sons
- Parable of the Vineyard
- Parable of the Feast
- Reaction to the Parables
95. Efforts to Accumulate Evidence Against Jesus
- On Tribute to Rome
- On Life After Death
- On Treatment of Adultery
- On Major Commandments
In this Chapter:
96. Discourse in Condemnation of Scribes and Pharisees
- To the Disciples and Multitude
- To the Scribes and the Pharisees
- Reaction to the Discourse
97. The True Test of Giving
In this Chapter:
98. Discourse on Events of the Future
- Occasion of the Discourse
- The Theme of the Discourse
- Events before the Siege
- The Destruction of Jerusalem
- Time of the Destruction of Jerusalem
- Rise of Messianic Claimants
- The Day of the Son of Man
- An Interruption by the Disciples
- Time of the Day of the Son of Man
- Mission of the Disciples in the Future
- Parable on Faithfulness in the Mission
99. Teachings by Jesus in Jerusalem
In this Chapter:
100. Conspiracy for the Arrest of Jesus
101. The Passover with the Disciples
102. Withdrawal to the Mount of Olives
103. At the Place Named Gethsemane
104. Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
In this Chapter:
105. The Trail Before the Jewish Authorities
106. The Trial Before the Roman Authorities
107. The Crucifixion of Jesus